Abrahams servant found a bride for isaac in hebron
Abraham’s Servant Finds a Wife For Isaac
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Later History: Probably during the captivity Hebron came into the hands of Edom, though it appears to have been colonized by returning Jews Neh 11:25 ; it was recovered from Edom by Simon Maccabeus 1 Macc 5:65; Josephus, Ant, XII, viii, 6. Nahor had probably migrated thither from Ur when Terah was growing old, that he might occupy the pastures which Abraham was about to abandon.
The family of Hebronites sprang from him. Question: What request did Abraham make of Ephron in front of witnesses?
Outline - Those who will not take the Bride out into the desert and sully her for their own pleasures. Then the man took ten camels, together with food and other goods for the journey, and set out for the city where Nahor lived in the land of Haran.
Abraham bought a field that had a cave in it for 400 shekels of silver. That amount of silver is the weight of a bag of flour or of a fat baby, which was a lot of money back then. Abraham buried his wife Sarah in the cave. We will learn how this cave would become a family tomb. This field, with its trees and the cave, was the first bit of land in Canaan that Abraham had legal ownership of, in the witness of other men. Remember that Canaan was the land that God had promised to Abraham and his offspring. What does a man need before he is able to father children? He needs a wife! Lot was probably still living in the hills with his two daughters — he became the father of the tribes known as the Moabites and the Ammonites. Abraham was a very old man — somewhere between 137 and 140 years old! Isaac was now 40 years old, and was temporarily working in the wilderness area that is on the way to Egypt. God cares about who we marry. Abraham knew that the people in Canaan land where he lived did not believe in the one true God. It would be wrong for Isaac to marry a young woman from one of the tribes in the land of Canaan. So, Abraham called upon his chief servant. We noted Eliezer before — he would be the heir if Abraham and Sarah had no child. Whether they know what they are saying or not, that expression means that if they break the promise they are doomed to die! Taking an oath before God is the most serious kind of promise to make, because it means that if we break our promise God will punish us. Instead, trust that God will send an angel before you so that you can find a wife for my son there. But if the woman refuses to come back with you then I will release you from this oath. There will be no trouble for you if you do your job of finding the woman and asking her to come back here with you. Even if Abraham had died, the servant would still be bound to this vow, since it was an oath before God. He also chose some of the other servants to come with him. This map is from israel-a-history-of. This journey was over 1000 km long! Imagine walking all the way from here to Saskatchewan with 10 camels, but imagine that you were traveling through a hot desert, and you did not have a cell phone or air-conditioning. The area the servant traveled through was mostly in the country called Syria today. Toward evening, the servant arrived at a town called Nahor, and had the camels kneel near the well that was outside the town. At that time of the evening, the women of the town would visit the well to get water. Rebekah at the Well — Rita While he was still praying, a young woman named Rebekah, who was the daughter of a man named Bethuel, came out with her jar on her shoulder. She had never married, and she was very beautiful. Rebekah went down to the well, filled her jar with water, and came back up. So, the man took out three of the gifts he had brought from Hebron — a gold nose ring and two gold bracelets. The ring weighed 5. He put this jewelry on Rebekah. She told them everything the man had said to her. I have prepared the house and a place for the camels. Some servants took the packs off the camels and brought hay and grain for them. The servants also brought water for the man and his servants to wash their feet. He has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, menservants and maidservants, and camels and donkeys. He told them about the angel that would go ahead of him in the journey; he told them that Abraham would release him from the oath if the woman refused to return with him; and he told them about how he had prayed for God to let him know which woman was the right one by causing her to give water to his camels as well after he asked her for a drink. Then, he brought out more of the expensive gifts he had brought — gold jewelry, silver jewelry, and clothing — and he gave them to Rebekah. He also gave expensive gifts to her brother Laban, and to her mother. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice. By this time, Isaac was also back home in Canaan. After days of travel, the company of men, women, and camels arrived at Canaan land at evening time. Rebekah also looked up and saw Isaac in the field. Coming down off the camel was a respectful thing for Rebekah to do, and now that she heard that this man was her husband-to-be, she covered her face with a veil. The servant told Isaac everything that had happened. Isaac married Rebekah, and he loved her. She was a comfort to him, as he was still grieving over the death of his mother Sarah. Review Questions: If you still have time after the activity! What is a spouse? A husband or wife 2. Unscramble this word: ramry 3. Act out the servant meeting Rebekah. What did Abraham desire for his son? He wanted him to have a good, faithful spouse 2. What did the servant want? He wanted to choose the right person for his master 3. What did Rebekah show to the servant? What things should we require of a spouse? What will make us a good spouse in the future? Why do our parents make us behave? What sign did the servant ask for? What did the servant give Rebekah? Laban review questions 1. Why did Abraham send the servant so far away? Why did the servant ask God for a sign of kindness? Why was it unusual for Rebekah to leave so soon? There is no law against it; all is fair in war against the devil. Spurgeon --- Carefully study the scriptures to discern our lesson plans. We are all prone to error; all of us have a duty to prepare our lessons under the fear of Almighty God. Being prepared with activities and snacks, while neglecting truth, can only be harmful to children, regardless of how much fun they have. Visit our page for more information. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. Use of either trademark requires the permission of Biblica.
The Marriage of Isaac, Gen. 24:12-21, 61-67, Standard Sunday school lesson, October 28, 2018
Worship of Yahweh is, and has always been, prime. Any of those could be it, or a combination. During the civil war with Benjamin the tribes took the ark thither to consult God compare 1 Samuel 10:3. Of the Chaldees Genesis 11:28; Genesis 11:31; Genesis 15:7; Nehemiah 9:7from which Terah, Abraham, and Lot were met. She came down to the spring and drew water. Harran was in Mesopotamia, and took its name from the highroad which led through it from the east to the west. What assurance did Abraham give him. Question: What is the major difference in the gusto of the intended sacrifice. God said, 'Take your son, your only son, your beloved Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, where you are to offer him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I shall point out to you. Question: In Rebekah's family blessed her. We must piece immediately to leave our familiar life, and embark upon a spiritual journey of unknown duration with the comforter as our guide to marry a husband we have never seen.